
Texprocess again was an interesting  and pleasant experience. We were visited by many customers looking for new machine developments. There was a constant stream of visitors feeling welcome at the “Airstream-Home” of the inventor of button security.  We’ll be back in 2026 !

Thanks to all our dedicated agents and loyal customers we were constantly busy demonstrating our Ascolite novelties. Texprocess was way better than what we expected!

It's what a button wrapping machine should be: fast and economical.

Visitors from over 50 countries came to see our exciting new generation of EcoSpeed machines, for the first time shown in a public fair.

New and old customers took a seat in our vintage Airstream caravan, to get a moment of peace, enjoy the relaxing atmosphere and have a drink and a chat.

May 22-24, 2018 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, GA

Visit us in Texprocess 22-24 May 2018 -

Georgia World Congress Center
Hall 5.0, Stand 1660

May 14-19, 2018 Grand Tikal Futura Hotel and Convention Center

Guatemala City 27th Edition

Colombiatex of the Americas from 23rd January to the 25th January 2018 

Medellin, Colombia

The Frankfurt 2017 Texprocess Exhibition is over. It was an extremely successful show for us. We could hardly move from our...

Leading International Trade Fair for
Processing Textile and Flexible Materials

Visit us in Texprocess 09.-12.05.2017 -

Frankfurt am Main
Hall 5.0, Stand B 56

New Ascolite Office in Bangladesh

Ascolite® representatives are  at the service of all the productive chain of the industries of the garment and fashion industry in Mexico and Central Americas.

A trade show that catalyzes business in Latin America. 

The 15th edition of "Febratex - Brazilian Fair for Textile Industry", the largest fair for the textile industry of the Americas, held between 09 and 12 August 2016, Blumenau, Brasil.

Exceeded expectations early and it was good business scenario for Ascolite AG.

Showing the recovery of business confidence in the recovery of the Brazilian economy from the second half of 2016.


Here you can see Juan Jaime and our Italian production team and technicians at our assembly line in Italy. A fantastic cooperation achieving stunning results in the market with over 300 machines sold in 24 month !

Our automatic machines BSS-Model 13 are the fastest and the fastest selling …..cheers !

Ascolite TF yarn at the Techprocess in Atlanta . 70 different shades, very high Swiss quality, the most elastic TF yarn on the market with the strongest grip. No wonder customers ask for the original Swiss and German made Ascolite TF yarn .


Ascolite AG exhibited this year at the Techconfex exhibition in Poland. There was shown and demonstrated the biggest difference between Ascolite and others. Being in two different stands we have displayed the most advanced button wrapping machines ever produced in the form of the BSS-Model 13 and BSS-Model 8.

This year's Texprocess in Frankfurt was a great success for Ascolite. We had more visitors at our booth than ever bevor. For the first time on display where the two new machines BSS-Model 8 and BSS-Model 13 with YRS inside and the new Ascolite® TF Ultra-Flex yarn.